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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 853, Issues 1-2,
Pages 1-576 (20 August 1999)

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Foreword, Pages 1-2
A. Author
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Field amplified injection in the presence of salts for capillary electrophoresis, Pages 3-9
Zak K. Shihabi
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Preparation of uniformly sized polymeric separation media potentially suitable for small-scale high-performance liquid chromatography and/or capillary electrochromatography, Pages 11-20
Ken Hosoya, Hiroaki Ohta, Kimihiro Yoshizako, Kazuhiro Kimata, Tohru Ikegami and Nobuo Tanaka
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Labeling effects on the isoelectric point of green fluorescent protein, Pages 21-25
Dawn P. Richards, Costas Stathakis, Robert Polakowski, Hossein Ahmadzadeh and Norman J. Dovichi
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Application of non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection to the determination of nicotine in tobacco, Pages 27-34
Frank-Michael Matysik
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Dissociation of polyvalent electrolytes, Pages 35-44
Alexander V. Stoyanov and Pier Giorgio Righetti
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Capillary electrochromatography with macroporous particles, Pages 45-54
Remco Stol, Wim Th. Kok and Hans Poppe
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Equilibrium analysis of reactions between aromatic anions and nonionic surfactant micelles by capillary zone electrophoresis, Pages 55-61
Toshio Takayanagi and Shoji Motomizu
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Electrophoretic mobility study on ion¯ion interactions in an aqueous solution, Pages 63-69
Shoji Motomizu and Toshio Takayanagi
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General experimental aspects of the use of isoelectric buffers in capillary electrophoresis, Pages 71-82
Alessandra Bossi, Erna Olivieri, Laura Castelletti, Cecilia Gelfi, Mahmoud Hamdan and Pier Giorgio Righetti
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How to achieve higher repeatability and reproducibility in capillary electrophoresis, Pages 83-94
T. Faller and H. Engelhardt
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Head-column field-amplified sample stacking in binary system capillary electrophoresis; Preparation of extracts for determination of opioids in microliter amounts of body fluids, Pages 95-106
Anita B. Wey, Chao-Xuan Zhang and Wolfgang Thormann
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Nanoliter-scale sample preparation methods directly coupled to polymethylmethacrylate-based microchips and gel-filled capillaries for the analysis of oligonucleotides, Pages 107-120
Steven A. Soper, Sean M. Ford, Yichuan Xu, Shize Qi, Scott McWhorter, Suzzane Lassiter, Don Patterson and Richard C. Bruch
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Capillary electrokinetic chromatography with polyethyleneimine as replaceable cationic pseudostationary phase; Influence of methanol and acetonitrile on separation selectivity, Pages 121-129
Beate Maichel, Blahoslav Potocek, Bohuslav Gas and Ernst Kenndler
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Capillary electrochromatography with thermo-optical absorbance detection for the analysis of phenylthiohydantoin-amino acids, Pages 131-140
Ming Qi, Xing-Fang Li, Costas Stathakis and Norman J. Dovichi
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Interface for capillary electrophoresis coupled with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, Pages 141-149
Y. Y. Chan and W. T. Chan
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Chiral separations by open tubular capillary electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 151-158
Joseph J. Pesek, Maria T. Matyska and Sharel Menezes
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On-line identification of diastereomeric dibenzo[a,l]pyrene diol epoxide-derived deoxyadenosine adducts by capillary electrophoresis¯fluorescence line-narrowing and non-line narrowing spectroscopy, Pages 159-170
Kenneth P. Roberts, Cheng-Huang Lin, Ryszard Jankowiak and Gerald J. Small
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Indirect detection of organic acids in non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis, Pages 171-180
Min-Jane Chen, Hsuan-Shen Chen, Cheng-Yi Lin and Huan-Tsung Chang
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Determination of tartaric acid in solid wine residues by capillary electrophoresis and indirect UV detection, Pages 181-184
Sandrine Mallet, Michel Arellano, Jean Claude Boulet and François Couderc
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Analysis of angiotension-converting enzyme by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 185-188
Zak K. Shihabi
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Microscale characterization of the structure¯activity relationship of a heparin-binding glycopeptide using affinity capillary electrophoresis and immobilized enzymes, Pages 189-195
Niels H. H. Heegaard
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Development and validation of a capillary electrophoresis method for the characterization of protegrin IB-367, Pages 197-206
Jie Chen, Jodi Fausnaugh-Pollitt and Leo Gu
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Use of capillary electrophoresis and fluorescent labeled peptides to detect the abnormal prion protein in the blood of animals that are infected with a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, Pages 207-214
Mary Jo Schmerr, Allen L. Jenny, Marie S. Bulgin, Janice M. Miller, Amirali N. Hamir, Randall C. Cutlip and Kathryn R. Goodwin
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Quantitation of oxidized and reduced glutathione in plasma by micellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis, Pages 215-223
Karalyn Havel, Kathy Pritts and Todd Wielgos
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Phosphopeptide analysis by on-line immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography¯capillary electrophoresis¯electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Pages 225-235
Ping Cao and John T. Stults
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Capillary electrophoretic analysis of recombinant human apolipoprotein E; Calibration mode of a protein reference material, Pages 237-241
Alexandra Schlenck, Françoise Schiele, Anne Barbier, Vladimir V. Shuvaev, Sophie Visvikis and Gérard Siest
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Electrokinetically-driven cation-exchange chromatography of proteins and its comparison with pressure-driven high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 243-256
Wensheng Xu and Fred E. Regnier
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Capillary electrochromatography of peptides in a microfabricated system, Pages 257-262
Bing He, Junyan Ji and Fred E. Regnier
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Separation of selected peptides by capillary electroendoosmotic chromatography using 3 m reversed-phase bonded silica and mixed-mode phases, Pages 263-275
K. Walhagen, K. K. Unger, A. M. Olsson and M. T. W. Hearn
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Microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography of proteins, Pages 277-284
Guo-Hua Zhou, Guo-An Luo and Xiao-Dang Zhang
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Determination of enzymatic activity and properties of secretory phospholipase A2 by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 285-293
Soonwook Choi, Young Seek Lee, Doe Sun Na and Young Sook Yoo
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Use of acidic and basic pH and calcium ion addition in the capillary zone electrophoretic characterization of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease, a complex phosphoglycoprotein, Pages 295-308
Chantal Felten, Cynthia P. Quan, Anthony B. Chen, Eleanor Canova-Davis, Thomas McNerney, Wolfgang K. Goetzinger and Barry L. Karger
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Detection of duck hepatitis B virus DNA fragments using on-column intercalating dye labeling with capillary electrophoresis¯laser-induced fluorescence, Pages 309-319
W. G. Tan, D. L. J. Tyrrell and N. J. Dovichi
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Analysis of leptin gene expression in chickens using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection, Pages 321-335
Mark P. Richards, Christopher M. Ashwell and John P. McMurtry
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Stepwise capillary electrophoretic separation of DNA fragments using poly(ethylene oxide) solutions in the presence of electroosmotic flow, Pages 337-347
Hsuan-Shen Chen and Huan-Tsung Chang
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Capillary electrophoresis of double-stranded DNA in an untreated capillary, Pages 349-354
Zak K. Shihabi
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Application of capillary electrophoresis at low pH to oligonucleotides quality control, Pages 355-358
Pier Giorgio Pietta, Maria Flora Mangano, Cristina Battaglia, Giuliana Salani, Luigi Rossi Bernardi and Gianluca De Bellis
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Side-entry excitation and detection of square capillary array electrophoresis for DNA sequencing, Pages 359-369
Sharon X. Lu and Edward S. Yeung
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Highly alkaline electrolyte for single-stranded DNA separations by electrophoresis in bare silica capillaries, Pages 371-379
Zdeka Malá, Karel Klepárník and Petr Boek
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Direct measurement of ascorbic acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis cell suspension culture using capillary electrophoresis, Pages 381-389
Mark W. Davey, Geert Persiau, Guy Bauw and Marc Van Montagu
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Elimination of adsorption effects in the analysis of water-soluble vitamins in pharmaceutical formulations by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 391-401
Lucas Fotsing, Marianne Fillet, Patrice Chiap, Philippe Hubert and Jacques Crommen
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Quantification of anions and cations in environmental water samples; Measurements with capillary electrophoresis and indirect-UV detection, Pages 403-411
Tarja Hiissa, Heli Sirén, Tapio Kotiaho, Margit Snellman and Aimo Hautojärvi
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Highly-sensitive micellar electrokinetic chromatographic analysis of dioxin-related compounds using on-line concentration, Pages 413-420
Koji Otsuka, Hirofumi Hayashibara, Sumio Yamauchi, Joselito P. Quirino and Shigeru Terabe
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Determination of homotaurine as impurity in calcium acamprosate by capillary zone electrophoresis, Pages 421-430
H. Fabre, C. Perrin and N. Bosc
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Determination of human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease inhibitors in patient serum using free solution capillary zone electrophoresis, Pages 431-437
Nickolas Chelyapov, S. Andrew Jacobs and Thomas J. Magee
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Cyclodextrin-mediated micellar electrokinetic chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the enantiomer separation of racemorphan in human urine, Pages 439-447
Eunmi Ban, Soonwook Choi, Jeong Ae Lee, Dong-Seok Lho and Young Sook Yoo
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Anthracycline analysis by capillary electrophoresis; Application to the analysis of daunorubicine in Kaposi sarcoma tumor, Pages 449-454
N. Siméon, E. Chatelut, P. Canal, M. Nertz and F. Couderc
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Resolution of newly synthesized racemic dihydropyridines with different chiral selectors by means of capillary electrophoresis, Pages 455-460
Thorsten Christians, Dorothea Diewald, Christoph Wessler, Yvonne Otte, Jochen Lehmann and Ulrike Holzgrabe
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Separation of antipsychotic drugs (clozapine, loxapine) and their metabolites by capillary zone electrophoresis, Pages 461-468
V. Pucci, M. Raggi and E. Kenndler
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Interaction of cyclophilin and cyclosporins monitored by affinity capillary electrophoresis, Pages 469-477
Steffen Kiessig, Holger Bang and Frank Thunecke
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Capillary electrophoretic separation of N-acetylcysteine and its impurities as a method for quality control of pharmaceuticals, Pages 479-485
M. Jaworska, G. Szuliska, M. Wilk and J. Tautt
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Separation of carbonyl 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones by capillary electrochromatography with diode array detection, Pages 487-496
Ewa Dabek-Zlotorzynska and Edward P. C. Lai
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Determination of flotation reagents used in tin-mining by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 497-502
F. Hissner, B. Daus, J. Mattusch and K. Heinig
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Analysis of dyestuff degradation products by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 503-509
Sahori Takeda, Yoshihide Tanaka, Yasuo Nishimura,Masataka Yamane, Zyun Siroma and Shin-ichi Wakida
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Effect of linear polymer additives on the electroosmotic characteristics of agarose gels in ultrathin-layer electrophoresis, Pages 511-518
Timea Lengyel and András Guttman
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High-throughput genotyping of factor V Leiden mutation by ultrathin-layer agarose gel electrophoresis, Pages 519-525
Timea Lengyel, Maria Sasvari-Szekely and Andras Guttman
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Study of catecholamines in patient urine samples by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 527-533
Heli Sirén and Ulla Karjalainen
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Analysis of epinephrine from fifteen different dental anesthetic formulations by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 535-540
Philip Britz-Mckibbin, Judy Wong and David D. Y. Chen
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Use of capillary electrophoresis with UV detection as a screening method to determine histamine in fish samples, Pages 541-544
Wenta Liao, Han Paek, Clayton Mabuni, Steven Angold and Mary Soliman
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Competitive immunoassay for staphylococcal enterotoxin A using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection, Pages 545-553
Michael T. Lam, Q. H. Wan, Camille A. Boulet and X. Chris Le
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Capillary electrophoresis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence polarization as a hybrid approach to ultrasensitive immunoassays, Pages 555-562
Qian-Hong Wan and X. Chris Le
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Index, Pages 563-566

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Index, Pages 567-576

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